AC Repair – Common Problems That Can Arise With Air Circulation and Temperature Control

AC Repair Round Rock TX involves fixing a wide range of problems that can arise with air circulation and temperature control. Luckily, professional service technicians are trained to identify and repair the majority of these minor issues before they cause major AC complications.

AC Repair

This process starts with system inspection and HVAC diagnostic techniques like identifying any clogs in the ductwork or air filters that are hindering airflow.

Capacitors are a crucial part of your air conditioner. They help store and release energy to run the compressor, fan motors, and other components in your AC unit. When a capacitor goes bad, it can cause many problems with your cooling system. Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening by performing regular maintenance on your AC system.

If you notice any of the following signs of a failing capacitor, it is time to call an HVAC professional for repair work. Some of the most common symptoms include warm air blowing out of your vents, a humming noise or burning smell from your outdoor AC unit, and unusually high electricity bills.

Another common sign of a capacitor going bad is a problem known as “hard starting.” This occurs when the compressor struggles to start up and then shuts off again shortly afterward. This places a lot of stress on the compressor and other components, so it is important to get a replacement as soon as possible.

The cost of an AC capacitor will vary depending on the type and brand, but you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $400 for a new one. The most expensive capacitors are typically those that are made with better quality materials or offer higher voltage ratings. You should never attempt to replace a capacitor yourself because they can contain up to 600 volts of electrical charge, which is enough to cause serious injuries or even death if you are not careful.

Capacitors are also not easily accessible, so they can take longer to replace than other AC parts. This can increase your labor costs for the repair. In some cases, the capacitor may be covered under warranty, which can reduce your overall bill. However, if you are not sure about the warranty status of your capacitor or if it isn’t covered, it is best to consult an experienced professional. A qualified technician can verify the exact causes of your capacitor problems and diagnose any other issues before starting a replacement. They will use a multimeter (also called a multitester or VOM) to test for voltage, resistance, and current.


The contactor is a pair of latching electrical contacts that open and close to let electricity flow in and out of the appliance. The contactor controls the flow of power to and from your air conditioning unit. It opens when the thermostat signals a cooling demand and cuts current to shut the system off when you want it to rest.

When the AC contactor fails, the contacts become stuck and prevent your air conditioner from receiving the power it needs to function. If you hear frequent clicking sounds, you may have a bad contactor that needs professional inspection and repair.

Clicking noises from an AC contactor are a clear indication that this component is failing and requires replacement. The sound is made by the rattling of metal parts as they make contact. The deterioration of the contactor’s metal components, often caused by high humidity levels in your home, leads to poor conductivity and the failure to maintain a circuit.

Another sign of a bad AC contactor is visible signs of pitting on the electrical contact points. Pitting is a common problem with contactors that happens when they are exposed to high amounts of heat and voltage over time. The resulting pits cause the contactor to fail to function properly, and this is usually a sign of severe electrical issues within your home.

Besides facilitating the transfer of electricity, contactors also protect against power surges and manage motor loads. The AC contactor can also be found inside the device’s enclosure, which is a frame that houses the electromagnetic coil and the contacts. The enclosure is typically made of insulating materials, such as Bakelite and Nylon 6, to protect the contacts from physical damage and environmental hazards.

A failed AC contactor can be a major source of discomfort in your home, but it is not impossible to keep it functional with regular maintenance and servicing. Performing regular visual inspections and cleanings, maintaining the proper voltage of your air conditioner, and avoiding mishandling can all help extend the lifespan of this vital AC part. Taking care of your contactor can also help you avoid the costly expenses and stress associated with an inoperable AC.

Blower Motor

The blower motor’s job is to circulate air through your home’s duct system, helping to heat or cool different rooms in the house. Efficiently moving air in this way is necessary for keeping your living spaces comfortable and preventing dust and debris from building up inside the ducts.

A blower motor that’s going bad will have trouble generating the power needed to run its fan, and this may lead to weak airflow from your vents. You can often solve this problem by cleaning the motor or replacing its capacitor, but a new blower motor may be necessary as well.

Another common sign of a blower motor that’s on the verge of failing is a rattling sound coming from your vents. This noise can be caused by loose or broken parts, but it can also indicate that the motor is consuming too much energy to operate.

Over time, dust and dirt can build up on your blower motor, which can cause it to overheat. Modern blower motors are designed with electronics to prevent this from happening, and they will shut down if they begin to overheat to avoid self-inflicted damage. If you notice this behavior, contact an HVAC specialist for a replacement blower motor immediately.

Using an HVAC company to replace your blower motor can help you ensure that you get the right model for your specific system, which will save you money in the long run. The specialist will perform a thorough inspection to determine whether your blower motor needs to be replaced, and they can guide you in selecting the correct model for your needs.

A good HVAC company will also inspect your ductwork to make sure there are no leaks or disconnections that could be affecting your blower motor’s operation. This will help your system maintain proper airflow and keep your living spaces comfortable all year round. Logan Services has extensive experience in AC repair near New Palestine, and its technicians can quickly and accurately diagnose problems with your blower motor. Their expert installation will ensure that your new blower motor lasts for years to come.


Refrigerant is a vital part of the AC system, transferring heat to cool air and absorbing excess heat from the home. But when your air conditioner’s refrigerant levels are low, your cool oasis may turn into a desert of discomfort. This is why it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms that indicate refrigerant leaks.

Leaking refrigerant presents a health and safety risk for building occupants as well as an environmental impact. This is because some refrigerants are greenhouse gasses that contribute to climate change when released into the atmosphere. In addition, leaking refrigerant can cause damage to the compressor and other internal AC components.

The main reason for refrigerant leaks is that they are caused by physical damage to the evaporator coil or copper tubing of the indoor AC unit. This can occur when the system is improperly installed, or when it experiences mechanical strain and vibration over time.

A corroded coil can also develop small holes in which the refrigerant can escape. Additionally, hissing and gurgling noises during system operation can signify that the evaporator coil has a cracked or damaged copper core. Consistent maintenance can prevent these issues and reduce the likelihood of refrigerant leaks.

Homeowners should contact a professional immediately when they notice signs of a refrigerant leak. Doing so will allow technicians to find the source of the problem and make repairs. Refrigerant is highly flammable, and it’s not safe to attempt to repair such a problem on your own.

In addition to ensuring the correct refrigerant charge, technicians will also perform a pressure test on the system and retest it after repairing any leaks. They will then refill the system and complete a refrigerant disposal procedure to ensure that it’s properly handled and recycled.

Refrigerant is an expensive substance, and the average person does not have the skills or equipment necessary to replace it. It’s best to have this service performed by an HVAC professional, who will ensure that the system has the right amount of refrigerant and avoid costly mistakes. For example, adding too much refrigerant can damage the compressor or other components, and it will also cause the system to work harder than necessary to keep your home comfortable.